Submission to the Draft Government Tourism strategy

Overview of the submission

Many Recreation Aotearoa members have expressed concern about the impact of the huge growth in Tourism on the Recreation Sector. Recreation Aotearoa has filed its submission to the Draft Government Tourism strategy developed jointly by the Department of Conservation and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 

Recreation Aotearoa was lucky enough to be among a small group of organisations to be consulted in the formulation of the Draft Strategy. Our submission to the public consultation process focused on four major themes:

  • The provision of tourism infrastructure that doubles as useful recreational infrastructure for local New Zealanders.
  • The management of Tourism on Public Conservation Land in accordance with the Conservation Act, i.e. the requirement to foster recreation.
  • Support for Local Territorial Authorities with low rating bases, that are typically those most affected by tourism pressures.
  • Better inter-departmental co-operation with regard to tourism planning.

Read our submission


Questions or feedback

If you have any questions or want to share your views, contact our Advocacy Manager, Sam Newton by email: