Submission on National Park Management Plans

Overview of the submissions

The Department of Conservation is amidst a very busy period of planning processes. The Management Plans for both the Westland Tai Poutini and Aoraki Mount Cook National Parks are currently up for review.

Recreation Aotearoa is amongst a select few organisations that are consulted prior to the formulation of the Draft Plans. We also make submissions to the public consultation process.

The major thrust of our submissions and others in the recreation sector, has been to push back against what is perceived as over-catering to the tourism industry at the expense of the NZ recreation community. These National Parks are vast tracts of New Zealands public conservation land, so it is important that the Department gets the balance of Conservation, Recreation and Tourism right. 

Read our submissions

Submission to the Aoraki Mount Cook National Park Management Plan

Submission to the Draft Westland Tai Poutini National Park Management Plan

Questions or feedback

If you have any questions or want to share your views, contact our Advocacy Manager, Sam Newton by email: