Guide To The Healthy Parks Healthy People Approach And Current Practices

A guide to the Healthy Parks Healthy People Approach was created in 2015.

The Healthy Parks Healthy People approach acknowledges that contact with nature is essential for human emotional, physical and spiritual health and well-being and reinforces the crucial role that parks and protected areas play in nurturing healthy ecosystems.

It acknowledges the vital importance of conserving and enhancing our natural world so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be improved.

The Improving Health and Well-being: Healthy Parks Healthy People stream at the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 was co-led by Parks Victoria, Australia, and the United States National Park Service. This stream was targeted at environment and health professionals and others with an interest in the fields of nature, human health and well-being.

This stream led to the production of a Guide covering the park management approaches, current international practices and projects, as well as the latest research.