
Check out our range of programmes and tools to support you in your role. Grow your career, improve your processes, or enhance your service.
Elevate your career with the Accredited Recreation Professional (ARPro) programme.
We have 29 Green Flag Award® parks and open spaces in Aotearoa. Learn about Green Flag and find out how to get involved.
Want successful and accessible recreation opportunities for everyone in your community? Kia Rite Hoea is for you!
The Poolsafe Quality Management Scheme (Poolsafe®) is an independent assessment of public lifeguarded pools.
PoolTest® uses mobile technology to record pool water test data – it’s quick, easy and efficient.
QualityPool® is an independent assessment of non-lifeguarded and private pools
Our Tuakana - Teina mentoring programme matches our new up-and-coming members with our experienced members.