2022 Poolsafe Assessors Forum

On Wednesday 19 October our team of Poolsafe Assessors came together Recreation Aotearoa's Wellington office for their annual Assessor Forum. This was the first one that we have held face to face since 2019. It was great for everyone to get together and to welcome our 4 new assessors to the team. Matthew Rowland-Gardner (Polynesian spa), Leah Burgess (CLM Rotorua) Rachel Pike (CLM Nelson) and Kayla Davies (Selwyn District Council).

Group Standing in Office

The forum was a chance for the assessor team to look back on the last years Poolsafe programme and discuss any issues and feedback from facility managers. Assessors were able to share individual experiences and issues from their Poolsafe visits and draw on each other’s knowledge to find solutions that could benefit everyone. We took the chance to review the criteria and the Poolsafe documentation with a view to improving the processes for facilities. In addition, our assessors undertook a training exercise to refresh their knowledge and skills to ensure that they are providing the most up to date advice and information to facilities.

Poolsafe visit notifications will be sent out at the beginning of November and our assessors are looking forward to getting out and about and visiting all the fantastic Aquatic facilities we have here in Aotearoa.