ARPro revalidation

Learn how to maintain your ARPro accreditation when it’s time to revalidate.

ARPro revalidation

ARPro accreditation is valid for three years. Revalidating your accreditation is straightforward: earn 30 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points within those three years, with 20 specifically at your accredited level. 

Earning CPD points

CPD points are earned across three categories: 

  • Contributions to the recreation sector 
  • Work achievements 
  • Professional development.

The maximum CPD points you can earn in one category is 20 points. This encourages ARPro holders to grow and develop in a range of professional areas.

Submit your evidence

When it’s time to revalidate, submit evidence of your CPD activities. Download our PDF guide to see what earns you CPD points:

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points activities

Please note: This list isn’t exhaustive. If there’s evidence for something not yet captured, Recreation Aotearoa will review, acknowledge and ascertain award a number of points consistent with other learning activities.  

Flexibility and support

We understand sometimes life gets in the way of professional development. Extensions are available on application if you’re facing significant life events such as parental leave, major illness or crises, and need to step away from work for a while. 

More information

If you have any questions, check out our ARPro FAQs page or get in touch: